
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A whole new beginning

Hey there,
Somehow you found your way to my new blog so welcome. First off I stopped my other blog, The Daily Life of An Intern because, well, I finished my internship at McCann Erickson. It was a good 3 months but life must go on. In this blog, I will use all that I've learnt in my time there as well as my own personal experiences outside of work to explain the inner workings of the world, as well as the hidden mechanics that people normally overlook.

Being someone who studies advertising, I am well aware of the many different types of illusions that blinds us from the true reality. And as much as you would like to think that such illusions are silly and stupid, even if they exist, they are indeed needed. Why? To prevent chaos, to prevent YOU the reader from ever realizing that something is wrong with the world around you and I kid you not, something is WRONG.

So! Welcome to my Reality, the one I will unveil to you from behind the curtains of illusion. Scary ain't it?