
Friday, February 17, 2006

An Open Letter to my (so-called) friends

Dear all,

As you all may well know, things have not exactly been good between me and you. It doens't matter who YOU are, but we all know things haven't exactly been all sunshine and butterflies since a few months ago.

"So, What is this letter all about?" you might ask. Well, I'll tell you what it's about. It's about how double standard you all have become, making me feel like such a jerk when really it's you buggers who are the jerks. No, it's not only just you, it's been a lot of other people; People who say I'm boastful, who say I'm always trying to bring a person down and who say I'm not a nice guy to hang out with.

Well, after analyzing all that you have said, I have decided that the only appropiate response would be "Bullshit!" Now, don't take offence into what I've said. Instead think about why I'm saying this.

You all say I'm boastful, but yet are braggarts yourself, talking about how much the shit you'll be in the future and also how proud you are for turning down a job that I took. No, those two aren't the only examples I can cite, I'm just too lazy and quite frankly, those two occasions are the ones most prevalent in my mind right now.

I'm also particularly mad at some of you for complaining that I'm saying I work for a A REALLY HUGE! company when I really didn't. Well, then, explain why my payslip comes from said company, and explain why, oh why does my contract have the name of said company on it?

Well, since you aren't satisfied with my lying "exaggeration", how's this? I NOW DO WORK FOR THAT COMPANY! That's right, that's fucking right, I was transfered into another team, under which the account is under said company.

But I digress, so it's time to get back to the matter at hand. So I'm boastful huh? Okay fine, so what if I am always talking about how cool my job is or how cool my new toy is? You want to feel inferior, up to you; but most friends would also enjoy my newfound toy with me and not complain about how he/she doesn't have it. Oh, boo hoo hoo.

AND let me say that you are guilty of the same thing. You are all boastful as well, you with your "I'm so proud for turning down that job because it's just one account" and "Oh, I got a free car and a free drum set" and "Oh, I'm so bored in Australia" and "We fired him! Get me kuachi to tell you the story" and "..." okay, I can't think of any other whines I've heard at all now but I know there's a whole lot more. You all do it! So it is my god-given right to yak my mouth off to make myself feel better.

You say I talk about nothing related to what you're talking about, well how about filling me in then? "Oh sure, we'll tell you what it's about when we feel like it" then I'm just gonna talk inane bullshit some more until you do then so shut up, kthxbai.

You know, at least I don't claim I'm not a braggart. Hell, I know I am; it's an impulse I can't control, so if you don't want to hang out with me? Pfft, fine by me bitches. Your loss anyway.

So, here's my vow to you; I won't call you, so whenever you feel like coming out or perhaps even talking to me, YOU can give ME a call instead of the other way around. That's a way better deal for me because then, we'll see who's the real friend here and who isn't plus I save on phone bills.

Until then, think about this letter and the context it was written. Sure it was written in rage, but it was also written with love. Although you'd think it was written with love for myself. If you do, fuck you. If you don't.. well.. I am at a loss for a response..

Arin Askandar @ Kiruna Kenosawa @ The Fired Friend (Yeah, fuck you too)

P/S If you all want to think of this as a perfectly good reason to burn the bridges, by all means, please do. The last thing I need in life are fake friends like you. But if you have even learned an ounce from the 20 odd years of life, you would be able to recognize this as a reason to discuss the issues and although this is posted on my blog, no names were published nor was this post pinged in projectpetalingstreet, so no one but those who stumble here randomly and you are reading this.