
Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Music: Ben Moody feat. Anastacia - Everything Burns

Well, first day of class today so I thought I'd start off with my first post here. No, that other one doesn't count because it was an introductory post and meant nothing. Anyway, what can we discuss about here today? Gee, not much since it was, after all, my first day of classes but Xiao did point out something that required talking about.

I find that today, people like to talk about life sucks, how they'd want to die and how they wish that they didn't have to do what they had to do. Now, the point I'm about to talk about isn't about how people don't appreciate life, but how they never, ever appreciate what they have.

Seriously, people today strive in the workplace for one reason and one reason only; MONEY! People even select jobs based on the idea that it'll get them someplace far financially. Even the sacred medical profession isn't safe. A lot of people mainly become doctors for the sole purpose of making money without even thinking about how much money it would cost or the time they spend. I know this argument is uber lame but seriously, I do not understand this.

People talk everyday about being happy but don't know what would do that. All they know is that their rich neighbour is happy and are hoping that the formula works for them. So in that pursuit of happiness that has been mauled and perverted to the point that it's no longer about being truly happy, but being FAT and RICH!

I quote this but I do not know who wrote it, "You're happy and satisfied; you have a loving family, a good stable job that you enjoy and even that beat up old Honda is your pride and joy. Then your neighbour drives up with his Ferrari and 24 year old supermodel girlfriend and suddenly you're filled with seething rage and curse your unfortunate life." Why do I quote this? Because it's to make a point; WE ARE ALL IDIOTS! We listen to the media! We look at how the rich and famous live, we only want their lives because they have it! Not because we need it, we don't truly need all those luxuries.

No, all we need is a roof over our heads, a good steady job that gives us enough to get by while also giving enough for us to save for a rainy day or perhaps the kid's college fund. We don't really need a luxurious car, we just need a car that gets us from Point A to Point B.

Speaking of cars, the only difference between that beat-up old Honda and that Ferrari is that the latter gets you to Point B faster.

I just thought of something, I suppose I also bring up this subject because... Well the women of today are just.. just so very wrong. A common thing I hear from women today is, "I want to marry a rich old man, so that I don't have to work anymore" Seriously, ladies, with all due respect; WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??? I bet you all don't remember how you were as little girls, imagining that you met that Prince Charming and him sweeping off your feet and getting married to that man you love. No, Prince Charming was replaced with some horny, perverted old man with a big bag o' gold who'll likely keel over before the honeymoon is over.

Even if you are fortunate enough to find some old man with money who isn't already married, chances are that he's not married because he's wary of money-hungry witches who are only out for his money. Remember, a rich man doesn't remain rich because he's dumb and horny. And someone had the gall to point out that even poor guys can cheat on you, much like rich old men. They also say poor guys also date girls who are rich for their money. Well then, you're both as equally screwed up because quite frankly, I've never met a rich girl who wasn't interested in someone who isn't in her own income level.

So for those of you who aren't rich, be happy you aren't because then you don't have to meet these witches who'll likely suck you dry if you win the lottery. Fortune may be fun but it has its price. Now off with you then, I'm done ranting so now I'm off to my TV, watching my satellite TV to live in pure middle-income bliss.