
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In about an hours time, give or take a few minutes, Malaysia will be approximately 48 years old. 48 years of Independence from our former colonizers, the British and 48 years of being free to make our own decisions as to where our country was heading. But just how far has our country gone? I don't mean technologically, but we as the citizens of this country: Just how far have we reached, the mindset of the average Malaysian?

I'm sorry to say this, but to me we have not gone far. The younger generation of the country, the Generation X-ers have now taken over and now, we, the Generation Y-ers, are moving forward, ready to take over from them and yet we are still filtered. Our words are censored, our thoughts are surpressed and our voices are gagged. We are unable to do anything in this country without being controlled, one way or another by the government.

This is not to say that I do not love my country; I love it, to a fault. But there are some times that I see that the development in our country for the past 48 years have been for nought. Movies are censored because of extremely explicit scenes, more specifically, sex scenes. At this day and age, where the internet is the most widely used form of communication, children already have access to pornographic materials readily at their fingertips. Parents, no matter what you try, 90% of your children would probably have seen some form of a naked woman somewhere. Don't try to give me that bullshit about our children not being mature enough to take it, we have ratings for those, you want to bring you 6 year old into a movie that's rated 18SX, then that's your responsibility. YOU have to take the initiative to shield your children and not DEPRIVE US, the ones who are old enough to view such scenes.

And all this bullshit about tolerance between the races of Malaysia. That's another beef I have. Tolerance is like saying, "Oh I hate you, I want to kill you for the things you do and hell I'd curse you in a group of people who are from my race, but I will tolerate you" that's like begging for it, really! What we should be preaching is understanding, not tolerance. Understand why other races do things different from you. Understand that no matter what you do, they will not change and you should accept that. That is a more everlasting peace you would get than if you were to preach 'Tolerance' as a virtue. Quite frankly, tolerance does have its limit.

And one thing I find really worrying is this Why is it that they're giving 50% discounts now??!! I could have used it earlier when I paid my summonses 2 months ago! Chi Seen!

Anyway, as I write this, I realize that living in this country isn't really as bad as, oh say Indonesia or the Philippines, they have been rife with all sorts of problems, well from an international standpoint at least, such as rebels, terrorists and corrupt politicians (although we do have that here in Malaysia). The people of the Philippines have to deal with the fact that their leader is involved in corruption, especially that Election Council fiasco and the Indonesians, well they've got problems of their own.

Malaysia is considered probably the top growing economies in South East Asia. We are a model to most Third World Countries who are trying hard to achieve the same level of development we have today. We are also a model society, where our mixed racial and cultural background proves to be a melting pot that is considered the envy of most developed nations today. We are also one of the few countries where you can probably get food at 3am and you'll more likely be accompanied by friends.

We as a nation of people, have not grown much since 1957 but we as a nation have truly prospered. But this didn't happen when the Jalur Gemilang was raised at Stadium Merdeka; it happened way before then, when our forefathers went to London to deliver our declaration, our declaration of independence. And we did it, Malaysia. Happy Birthday to a country that we are all proud to be citizens of.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

World Cyber Games @ Midvalley Megamall

Hey, before I start my summary of what went on in the WCG National Championships, I'd like to say that my brother's girlfriend got the cat her own catster page. Go give it a lil' visit if you like.

Like I said, this morning woke up a 8am for breakfast at Raju's. It's wonderful mamak(and an expensive one too) restaurant that sells the usual malaysian breakfast fare such as roti canai, dhal, fried ikan tenggiri and sotong bawang goreng. Yes, fried spanish mackerel and fried squid with onions. Not exactly your normal Malaysian breakfast but damn did it ever hit the spot. Most satisfying breakfast I've had in weeks.

After breakfast headed straight to Midvalley, seeing as it was early (10.30AM!!!!) There wasn't really much of a traffic situation that we could possibly face on the way. Walked in and found out that a game was about to begin, they were starting the StarCraft:Brood Wars competition. Quite interesting to see how the real pros play. They move that mouse quite fast. But I've been to Korea, where StarCraft is a national game, they even have a TV show dedicated to it. By chance I was staying at a hotel where one of the locations the show shoots at was closeby and I went to see it for myself. My jaw dropped, they don't even use the mouse over there. All done by keyboard and they only hit the mouse when they need to move a unit or attack. Damn...

After Starcraft, they played NFS:Underground. Quite interesting, the winner of this game kept on winning by a good 6 - 7 seconds ahead of his competitior.

After that, there was the FIFA 2005 competition. Quite good I must say. The way he was playing, I could swear the guy who won doesn't even look at the players, only the mini map at the bottom of the screen (He passes really really far). It was funny too. The audience was watching the game as though it was a real World Cup match (I screamed "GOOAAALLLLLL!!!!!")

I left after awhile, got boring, especially when they had that half-time show with the Malaysian Yoyo Team. God, I don't know what the hell people are thinking nowadays. Seriously? Yoyos? What kind of skill is that? One of them was a real attention whore, had the balls to stand in front of the big screen, trying to get people to see his stupid tricks when all we want to do is watch the game. Most people go to the WCG because they're gamers and they wanna see how the best perform, not some kid with a yoyo!

Some of the more funny highlights is the Warcraft Orc vs. The TS Pau thingy! In case you can't see, the orc's bashing the pau thingy with his hammer!

Although I think the funniest thing was when they made the Orc dance to The Village People's 'YMCA'. Seriously, he did it, with his hammer as well and then he made 3 other people try to follow him. The MC did quite a good job, though at times I found him a bit stale but he kept his audience well entertained. Oooh! And Orc also tried his hand in Yoyos! Now that, I'd pay to see, not some attention whore with two yoyos in hand.

They also had this "Samsung Malaysia Model Search" which was really a farce. 3 guys and only 1 girl participated. The Prize? A Samsung jersey which was blue because "They're sponsoring Chelsea" Anyway, the girl was cute, really cute but the guy won. He deserved it the way he flashed his legs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I should have taken a video of that, but too bad I was seated too far away for my camera to capture, though I did get the girl's performance though. NO! I'm not sharing. It's too blurry anyway. I tried capturing it with the camera function but again, it's too blurry (ARGH! I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA!!!!)

They also had cosplay, loads and loads of cosplay, especially from RO (Gameflier's one of the co-sponsors). I found a blacksmith, two alchemists and a rogue. DAMN IT! What happened to the ASSASSINS???!!! Anyway, on to the booth babes. Ahhh the booth babes, nothing shall compare to them. In every exhibit, they work hard to get you to pay attention to their flyers and booth rather than their... "assets" but if their employers wanted the audience to focus on the booths, they would've hired men to do the job then.

But seriously, the pau thing was cute, especially when it was in hide mode. The guy inside would just kneel and the whole costume would support itself on the floor and all he had to do was pull his arms in. The orc had loads of fun hitting Pau. Pau had loads of fun using a furry scarf to whip at orc. I had fun laughing at the two.

Anyway, on to the rest of the commentaries. I won't bother with Warcraft III: Frozen throne mainly because it was pretty straight forward. Onto the Counter-Strike!!! Yeah, the competitors were FMJ and Hybrid. FMJ supporters were out in full force, the girl who participated in that modelling thing was one of them. Quite interesting seeing as how some cried when FMJ lost a round. Just one round, and it was a very long round too. But nonetheless, FMJ won the race to 20 at the end and was declared the champions. I liked watching them play, very quick and very accurate. I feel like calling in a CS session with my friends. Haven't played for awhile really...

Now, I shall leave you with Mr. Pau!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

What is pain?

That's the question for the day. Friend of mine, in a futile attempt to make me run faster on the treadmill when my ankle was hurting pretty bad, said, "The difference between a successful man and a failure is the pain he can take." I find that flawed actually, unless he means that a flawed man takes a lot of pain before stopping because if you don't know when to stop, you're just going to kill yourself.

So now the question I pose was what is pain? After he said that, I was just thinking to myself, "Do you know what true pain is?" and the answer is, Yes I do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who went through this, but I have had the ones I love scream that they hated me, several times in fact. My father, at one point, even wished I was dead. It's kind of sad really that one had to hear it from his father. No child should ever have to hear it. Even at 18 years old, it brings tears to my eyes, remembering when he screamed at me.

You would think he'd call after a day or two to say he didn't mean it but no, he didn't. 2 weeks later, I sent him a father's day message. Although he didn't want me anymore but he was still my father and lo and behold he finally wants to talk to me. And he didn't even apologize! Seriously, what kind of a father hates his own son? Yes he may scream at him, scold him but that has always been out of love, but to wish him dead?

Whoops, a little off-topic here. Anyway, long story short, I hate my dad, down to my very core. It is that hatred that has led to my refusal to return home or to ever see him unless I have to. He tries to make amends by trying to buy my love but all I want is an apology. Or at least for him to tell me that he didn't mean what he said. More than 2 years I've waited for him to say it to me and he still hasn't.

So what is true pain? I don't think that pain can be measured at all. Like Picasso's works, pain is a very abstract concept. For some people, pain = physical, "oh my god the pain the pain" hurt while to others it's the cumulation of all the emotional and mental stress that comes with a broken heart or maybe a dissapointment or even when someone wishes you for dead. I was once on the brink of suicide; I was standing on my balcony, looking down and I was ready to jump but I didn't. Either it was cause I was afraid of it or could be that I just came to my senses in a brief moment of sanity in a crazy time but nonetheless I turned back from it.

So what ran through my mind while I was in the gym? "You don't know what true pain is! True pain is having your father wish you were dead, having a girlfriend who screamed that she hated you and turning your back on suicide. So if you think the measure of a successful man is by how much pain he can take, then you are wrong!" and I ran, I ran like the wind on that treadmill, the pain was so far away that I no longer felt it. My friend kept his mouth shut after I outpaced him.

His love interest (but not returned, don't worry man, you'll get her someday) saw the look in my eyes, asking if I was half dead. I now have the answer I should have given her in the first place: No, I never felt more alive. So what is true pain? It's the point in time when you realize that everything in your life has been for nought, when you feel useless and when you feel that darkness in your soul. It is when you've gone beyond this point and still live that you know what true pain really is.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Interior Decoration 101: The Office

You know what I love most about my time in McCann Erickson? It wasn't the people that were in there,it wasn't the pretty girls in the Creative Dept, or the Media Dept, or even the Finance Dept and it sure as HELL isn't the workload that I was put through. More likely it was the stuff they'd put up on their cubicle walls or on their desks or even on their monitor.

One of the most memorable note-worthy cubicle pin-upswas probably the "Why I always don't do work" piece. It's actually an internal circulation which was written by one of the creatives and the Managing Director liked it so much it became common for everyone in the office to get one. Another one was "What is McCann-ism?" which wrote about the corporate culture of the agency and how the people within them should be proud of what they do as well as what they should put into their portfolios (i.e. Everything!)

I was sorta missing those things today as I walked though the staff room in my college, looking through all those bulletin posts they'd put up in the boards next to their doors. Anyway here are a few pin-ups around the college:

Wonder what happens if they invite you to watch a game?Wonder what happens if they invite you to watch a game?

So true, So true

This took awhile to read!

Some people love to stack!

Ah, the memories.. Oh, I found an old picture from back when I interned. My own piece of decoration!

The flying Blue-Tac Dinosaur + Extendable claws.. I mean straws

Yes, I was that bored... So, what other office deco's have you guys found around your offices or college staff rooms? Oh and if a troll drops by and makes stupid comments, do ignore him, he's an idiot. Thanks.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Day for Controversy

Well, so here I am, having woken up and looking through my downloads when suddenly I decide to surf on into my lil' RO forum and lo and behold, what do I see? Mr Vietbong has decided to flame me for my lil' post about his whiny ways.

Among other things, he calls me a coward, an idiot and most of all someone who 'forgot' to tie up loose ends. Now then, let's dissect his little flame shall we?

Why not post his thoughts as a response to my thread, rather than run home to his blog?

Now, for those of you who don't know, the forum has this new ruling called the anti-rant offense. If you even say anything remotely mean or degradatory, you get a nice 3-day ban. So Vietbong, here's my response: I did not put it in the rants section because:
A) I'd rather not get banned
B) I would rather not get labelled as the whiny bitch that you so totally are and
C) I do not see any problems with what I did. For your own pride and respect for your 'bitching', as much as you take pride in it, I wanted to save you the embarassment of my sharp tongue.

Now, you obviously went the other way but then again, the rants section is your home and you so deservingly posted in your home. So basically, you're guilty of the same thing.

I smell a coward. And a hypocrite too - his blog is his home, and he rants about everything that have been ranted about before

Me? A hyprocrite? Just because I don't say anything about your little rants doesn't mean I approve of it. Don't even try giving that 'silence is a consent' bullshit because it never worked for anyone. And when have I ranted about everything that has been ranted before? I'm not a regular poster of the rants section, in fact I only have 2 - 3 rants and they are, as I remember:
1) A rant about a throbbing headache I had because of exam stress, which was btw just a release of pressure. I didn't even go to the extent of insulting something like a major athlete who probably doesn't care about what I say anyway.
2) A rant about ignorant idiots who, for reasons unknown, would come into my chat window, which would say "S>+4 AC L/O", asking me stupid questions such as, "+0?" or even "What is an AC?"

Even when I visit the rants section, I don't think I ever posted anything unless it's to add in a point of view or for one of those debate threads (I.E. "Evil")

34K4, you obviously didn't want your little doozy of a blog entry to be seen, but forgot to tie up loose ends before posting your "Let's invade Indonesia!" entry somewhere?

A) I did want my little doozy of blog entry seen, otherwise I wouldn't write it.
B) No, I did not forget to tie up loose ends, I wrote it, I left it there. You're the idiot who thinks people want to you to like them. Well, I don't see the point cause either way, you're still going to be bitching and moaning.

You're an even bigger idiot than you look.

Well, telling me that now, eh moron? Big words coming from the man who's studying in Melbourne and still can rant about some mega-athlete swimmer endorsing , SELLING OUT and losing some stupid swimming race. You, the one who looks at men in tights swimming, calling me an idiot? I think not, moron. You whine and bitch about just everything in your life, and I've never seen you out of the rants section, which is kinda sad, wallowing in all that anger.

Hell, I'm doing you a favor posting here. ROE gets far more traffic going in than my blog, saving you the humiliation. Don't even tell me that I'm a coward posting here again, because I am doing it because I want to save the S.Mod's from the fiasco that you would surely create in that forum. So you, sir, are a moron and an ignorant imbecile if you can't even think of other reasons for my posting in this blog than because of cowardice.

You are the coward for bringing what would have been a personal matter between you and me into ROE, and hoping to garner support that wasn't there. Hell, I don't care about not receiving support from them, I never wanted it in the first place. This place is where I can speak my mind, run my mouth off and do what I please. If you want to rant out about me, do it in your own blog, I don't care. It's your place and this is mine. You even had the balls to mention the haze in the comments section of my blog. Well, for your information, I may not be the only one who talked about the haze but I sure as hell was one of the first to advocate the Indonesia Invasion Policy. And I'm sure as hell that you have totally no experience with the haze, having run away to Melbourne to study. So you don't know jack about how hard it is to breathe here, how 7 people may have died cause of it, how my friends and I have to stand coughing and wheezing. But I didn't write about it, no, my medical condition cause of the haze was something I cannot change, but I can talk about actions that would help resolve the haze issue. At least I don't talk about the common cold and how it's a stupid ass infecting me.

You know what, I'm tired of saving your sorry ass name, here's the thread he created especially for me. Roam around the section and look at what he rants about. Hell, register and use the search function and look for "vietrant" or better yet I'll do it for you. Bah, moron!

Now I've got to get back to designing a freaking brochure, good day to you all.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Clear Skies Above

It's a Saturday and I woke up to actual sunlight! That's right: the skies in Shah Alam have been cleared!!! And to think I was considering driving up to Penang to get away from the Haze. Here are some before and after pictures just to show you how much clearer the skies are here.

And so you can see, the air quality in KL has improved considerably. For example in our first pair of pictures, you'll see a city that you couldn't see before and in our second pair, you'll find a mosque(the state mosque mind you) that wasn't there before. If the Indons are going to say I built the mosque in a matter of days, they're lying bastards but then again, they could just be idiots.

How are they idiots? Well, for one thing the Malaysian government has apparently had a task force set up, on stand-by to fly to Sumatra, Indonesia. Now this is a force of 100 firefighters, with 25 disaster management specialists with their own EQUIPMENT but their blind president is still mulling over whether or not to greenlight this excursion. Well I tell you what, you don't green light it and I'll personally lead the civilian army that will invade your sorry ass country.

People are breathing toxic air because of you idiots and best of all, when news that our government is seeking compensation for the haze, their idiot countrymen decide that they should charge for renting their oxygen from their oceans and forest. It is times like these that I wonder if all Indonesians are idiots. I mean they make silly notions about what belongs to them and what isn't their fault and seriously, there are times I just feel like killing some of them but then I think back and remember, they're doing it themselves with their stupid civil wars and guerilla fighting and rumors of some cannibals in some parts of Indonesia.

God, you're all idiots! I know a few indonesians in Malaysia and quite frankly, I've come up with the theory that only the indonesians in Indonesia are idiots, the smart ones leave that hell-hole as soon as possible to escape the spread of idiocy and rampant mental decay that exists in that intellectual vacuum they call a fucking COUNTRY!

Disclaimer: Yes, you heard me. You're all fucking idiots. Don' try to deny it, don't try to even confirm it by posting more idiotic comments because it's already rooted in my head since time immemorial. In case you don't know what immemorial means, it is defined as a length of time that can't be calculatable because it cannot be remembered. No, I did not use a dictionary to come up with that definition and if you can't even understand what my definition means, then you are truly an idiot.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Difference Between Guys and Girls : Perfume Shopping

A mystery that has always stumped me is women and shopping. It seems that almost every girl I know loves to shop, and I do mean shop. Even those who don't like to shop love to shop. Take Huey-Ling for instance, she's not exactly a shopper kinda girl, but bring her to a mall, and that changes almost instantenously.

The story starts this way, I go to college, yesterday, as usual, went to the gym at 1pm and had a 2 hour workout. Oh yeah, the government decided to release the API data and apparently my campus area is in the hazardous level. Adam shall illustrate the measures taken to cope with this.

It's scooter boy!!!

Now then, right after our goofing off, we decided to go shopping! That's right, I decided to go shopping: I needed a new pair of running shoes and Huey-Ling needed a new bottle of eau de parfum or eu de toilette. The difference? The formerlasts longer than the latter.
Anyway, I did my shoe shopping (which I didn't conclude til today) and since I hadn't really concluded on which shoe I really wanted (it was a split decision between the Nike Free and the Adidas Isolate Comfort 4E - this is an older model and most of their big stores don't carry it but it's freaking comfortable), we decided to instead help her go perfume shopping. Well Lionel did, I just sat outside of the store. So while I was sitting, they perused the samples like nobody's business, but soon enough they walked out. But not empty handed.
And the candidates are. The perfume moron, not the.. err nvm...
Here's what I can surmise from the two candidates (based on Lionel's and Huey-Ling's conversation:
Eternity Summer- Smells lively and very very fresh but not very natural
CK Summer - Smells fresh and beachy.
The funny thing, after Huey-Ling heard Lionel say, "If you want to smell fresh and beach-y" she said, "BITCHY??!!" Yes, I laughed like nobody's business. Anyway, after getting the smells down to pat, she decided to shake shake the samples a bit:

Shake it! Shake it like a polaroid picture

Anyway, shaking proved that it only smelled the same so she decided to go price hunting instead. So we walk walk to the perfume shop on the other side of mall where she bends down to see the display

"ooh, pretty pictures" said the child

And guess what she found out. It's cheaper so as she discusses with the shop lady, I notice something in Lionel's helmet...

"Holy SHIT!"

And for a closer view (BTW, it smells quite nice contrary to the notion that mixed perfumes give off a pungent smell)

Well, that's a lotta smelling paper

So, after discussing about it with the salesperson, she decides to go back to the original store! Oh my god.. Really, I don't know why...

How much for that doggy in the windowwww~

And then we're back at the original place where she bought CK Summer for an undisclosed price(well, not undisclosed. I just didn't hear it).

The Winnah!!!111

So this entire process took about 2 hours to complete. *silence* Oh my god! 2 hours??!!! Holy crap!!!

But what about the guys, you are all protesting? Well here's an example of how I do my cologne/perfume shopping:

Me: Hey ma, you going anywhere anytime soon?

Mom: I'm going to Kelantan next week, why?

Me: I need a new bottle of Bulgari. Can you get it for me?

Mom: Oh, okay. Only Bulgari?

Me: Yeah, only Bulgari. I'll bank in the money to your Maybank account.

Mom: Okay. Love you.

Me: Love you too.

And badabing, I've got my cologne purchase set. No more than 5 minutes and I don't even step out of the house. Yay! Now my shoes, oh hell yes, that's another story. Today I finally decided which pair to buy and here it is!


Man, these shoes are a beauty. Not as good as the Nike Free but I needed comfort > Lionel's red angry face. Though at this point I think I'd waste the RM359 to buy the Nike Free as well just to get his reaction. LOL. Anyway, the box was kinda pretty but Huey-Ling requested for it so as of Tuesday, it'll belong to her.

For the time being, here are more pictures of the shoes! (Taken on my crappy phone cam)

Side view!

Front View!

Now that I've got that out of the way, I've got a bone to pick with a certain indonesian idiot who commented on Xiao's blog that the indonesians aren't to be blamed because it's our Malaysian factories who are burning the forest. Gee? Malaysian factories? In Indonesia? Oh dear lord how stupid can you get. Here's a quote:

Assalamulaikum,Hanya nak bagi tau, jangan engkau oreng selahkan
orang indonesia, orang MALAYSIA yang bodoh tak ada otak, datang ke Indon untuk
membuat kilang dan lalu membakar hutan.Boaneh hancur eh!! Dablak la engkor!! Asu
Erang, Jangan salahkan orang indon dablak

Here's a translation:

"Hello, just for your information, don't you blame the indonesians, it is the MALAYSIANS that are idiots with no brains, coming to Indon to build factories and going ahead and burning the forest. You all stupid eh? Go to hell la you. Just to say don't blame the indons idiot!" (No idea what dablak and boaneh means so I improvised)

Well, here's my response Indonesian Idiot:

First of all, where in her blog did she state that she was blaming the indonesians? No, that was me, dumbshit! If you can't even read a simple english blog, and you can't even fucking reply in english, don't fucking say we're idiots, pussywhip. We can run circles around you in so many ways that you'd get a headache just watching. There's so many flaws in your argument. First of all, yes we do have factories there in Indonesia but they're under Indon-management so either way, your dumbshit countrymen are causing the haze. Thirdly, it's not the factories that are burning, you pisswad, it's YOUR FUCKING FARMERS!!! Your fucking farmers are too fucking cheap to get fucking fertilizer that they burn off public land to use the ash as fertilizer.

Every major news media reports that your dumbshit farmers are burning every piece of land they can find and your pussy firefighters can't fucking fight fire for nuts! Hell, BBC blames your fucking farmers, and that's a London-based news media network. So if you fucking dumbshits can't fucking read an english newscast or even fucking read in fucking plain and clear, form 4 english, I say pity your dumbasses because your country is going for nuts. You're government is run by a blind man, is rife with corruption and now you're polluting our AIR! Now I really believe that we should invade your sorry ass country, declare Marshal law and kill off your farmers because they're being dumbshits about burning off public land for their own private use.

God damn it, why is there a country full of idiots next to us?

Disclaimer: I know that the opinions of one guy does not reflect the opinion of the rest of his peers but I have not seen any other indonesians renounce his statement nor have I seen any indons take responsibility for the actions that have caused the air in my town to go up to hazardous levels. I'm dying just sitting down typing on my computer. I still hate all you dumbshit indons because quite frankly you can criticise in my friend's blog when she didn't say anything about indons while not being able to write anything in mine seeing as I did write about you dumbfucks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A slow day, a smoky day and the world's ENDING!!!

Well, it's true. When Malaysia experiences a hail shower, you know that something's gonna end. Anyway, to begin my story, woke up, bla bla, smoky bla bla. Took my shower, brushed my teeth (groggily might I add) and went to my car. The trip to Subang was breathtakingly beautiful because no traffic. Until of course I reach Subang Jaya. The usual jam waited for me, but there was an extra!

Only Idiots can see that this is obviously a two-lane road


More idiots from KL!!

My god, seriously people, I come from Penang, an island so small that its main road is nothing more than a 2 lane road and here we have people who are able to turn highways into parking lots (i.e. FREAKING STOP ON THE NKVE??!!) For god's sake people, this place has so many highways that stopping on it isn't funny okay?? Seriously, are you all dumbshits? It's bad enough you all don't know how to use the gas pedal properly, let alone the brake pedal but the highway?? For god's sake.

Anyway, moving on. Came to college and saw a sight that was so funny no one laughed.


That's right, it got worse. So you know what I'm gonna say.. "Freaking Indons!!!!" I hear that they can't even fucking put out the fires cause their pussy firefighters are afraid of a few farmers. For god fucking sake, do you people want a coalition force of Malaysian, Singaporean and Thai armies invading your capital, take over each city one by one by force and fucking execute every single farmer you got? Or would you rather keep your pride and fucking put out ur own fires?

Don't tell me that you don't have the resources to put it out because we know very well that Malaysia and Singapore would very much like to help out. It's that fucking ASEAN Neighborly attitude shit. Don't tell me it's none of my business, when I can fucking stare directly at the sun, I can fucking say it's my business!


That's right, that's the fucking sun! A freaking DOT!!!! So when you go fucking with fire once more and you can't fucking control it, I'm gonna start a petition to invade your sorry ass country just to see you fucking SQUIRM!!!

Back to much happier stories! I sit down to brunch with my friends. Now usually I sit with the fun people, you know, the ones who crack jokes, tell interesting stories but somehow today I ended with the Christian Fanatics (No offense guys, but seriously, I found you that boring) who talked about nothing more than endless stories about how christians got saved or got their sheep stolen or something. Oh yeah, I learned that when a church steals the youth from another church, it's called stealing sheep.. Sheesh! And they call me bad...

Seriously, sometimes I believe that they're just lamenting on all these stories because they're hoping to sway me or something. But Lionel's a good guy, he only talks about these stories when fellow christians are abound. But honestly, talking about said stories in front of me is just going to get me to blank out and not listen to a thing you say. Besides, I'm a muslim and trust me, I've barely seen a mosque for almost 5 years. What does this mean? If i can't even go to a mosque on a Friday, what makes you think I'd give up my Sunday to go to church?

They also talk about how god is great or how god is all or something like that but the way I see it. God made us, but god doesn't really care about us after he makes us. It's what keeps me rooted to my beliefs, and the fact that I do believe in god is a relief to my parents, never mind that I drank before (and still do once in awhile) or don't pray.

But on another note: why do people continue to worship a religion where the leaders call you sheep? Seriously, I'm all for that 'You are Lost and I am here to help you get back' talk but I'm no sheep and you're no shepherd. For one thing, Sheep can't carry guns and fucking kill the shepherd. People are people, there's no other way of saying it. When a church steals the members of another church, you don't say they stole your freaking sheep, they stole your followers! F-O-L-L-O-W-E-R-S!!!

Anyway, no offense but really, this is why I've turned my back on most religions. I find them to be very offensive to me as an individual. They(the leaders) always like to insinuate that they're much better than you because they're much closer to god. Well I got one thing to say; God don't really care!

And back to the story at hand!

That's right, it was raining ICE! FUCKING ICE!!! Now tell me, when the haze is bad enough to cause weird weather patterns, isn't it high time we invaded Indonesia? Seriously?

Disclaimer: Yes, the writer still hates your guts and hopes all of you die a hard death. No, the writer doesn't mean the Malaysian/non-indonesian readers who are not angry at his writings. Nor does he really care if most of you christians like to think of yourselves as lost sheep. Quite frankly, he's just saying that he doesn't like being left out of a conversation. He's an attention-whore, we all know that.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Hazy Days!

Hello and welcome to another segment of 'My Hazy Days'. Today we go to Taylor's College to take a look at what special activities we have!

Giordano Clearance!!!Hey hey, Sale! Oh no, ugly clothes!

That's right, we have a Giordano sale! A clearance sale no less which can only mean one thing! Ugly Clothes!!! Not that I care, I don't even wear anything from giordano.

Also happening was the Architecture Schools building block thingy!

Come on you Maggots! We have an Uno Stacko to build!!!
Come on you Maggots! We got that uno stacko prize of the week award to win!!!

Haha! Me > j00

Right and so, we move on. Anyway, my ER class got cancelled and then I got to go home =) thought it would be nice to just take a nice relaxing drive back and all but no, it wasn't meant to be. Because THIS:


Freaking hit me!! The HAZE IS GETTING BAD!!! I could barely see for 100meters and I'm sick, it's not a very good thing for me to drive with low visibility! I blame the Indons, you wanna know why? Cause I freaking CAN!

Don't call me a bloody racist just because I said it, but take it from the many news media reporting on Indonesian forest fires caused by.. Yeap, Indonesian farmers

So now, because of them, I'm now sitting in my room, eating M&Ms! BAH!

Mmmmm, M&Ms~~~ *drools

Anyway, that's it for today seeing as I couldn't go to the gym because I'm not feeling well cause of the haze (that was caused by the Indonesians) plus the haze (That was caused by the Indonesians) stops just about everyone from being outdoors. Sigh...

Disclaimer: The writer bears no grudges againsts the Indonesians as individuals. He just hates their government's guts like nobodies business. Oh well, yes, he hates you all. Each and every one of you. The writer also bears no responsibility to any hurt feelings borne out of this article just because you don't see the BBC as a legitimate news source, maybe he'll try CNN next time.

Disclaimer v2: The writer apologizes, he was high on M&Ms when he wrote this.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Of Pre-tests, Flus and Other nonsensical objects

So, What do we have here today? I am sick, having the flu, and yet I have to go to college. why? Because my Focus Group bailed out on me and now I have to go to college to help my team grab a coupla new people to help pre-test our materials. It's bad enough I had to be woken up at 7 in the freaking morning when I really should be resting. I had half a mind just to cancel the Pre-test there and then but my reasoning won out eventually (no pre-test = no materials to send to the creatives this Friday)

Ah well, at least I can just stand there and watch the FGI (Focus Group Interview) in action as my teammates do all the questioning. NOT! I had to conduct it as well, but at least they were they to jot down all that was said. 45 minutes later and we've gone through 2 banners, 2 buntings, 2 bookmarks, 2 flyers, 1 tabletop and 5 different posters. I've got to ask Tim about the costing for 2 films or at least 1 film + 1 digital proof.

So I get back, wondering what I should write there and so, I talked to xiao! Here's hot it went

|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
wat to blog, wat to blog, wat to blog
xiao - says:
don't blog?
|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
thinking wat to bloggg
xiao - says:
don't blog~~~
|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
oh i have to bloggggggg
xiao - says:
what for?
|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
why shouldn't I, oh why shouldn't I bloogggg
|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
i should really put this chat into my blog
xiao - says:
yeah why not
xiao - says:
|34k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:

Right, and so here it is, fresh from MSN, my nonsense stuff I chat with xiao. Mainly cause when I get bored, I get BORED! Beah, and now here's Neko, the sleeping kitty!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Blogathon Commentary

As I write this, the Blogathon still moves on as the determined writers and their teams spend 24 hours posting a blog update every 30 minutes. Now to some of you who might say "Pfft, it just involves staying awake and typing nonsense all day" let me just assure you that only the highest quality nonsense is acceptable by our brave bloggers. So to move on, let us recap the amazing start of the first blogathon.

At about 9pm Malaysian time, our local bloggers began what is to be the biggest charity effort worldwide. All eyes have turned to their respective blogs as they write and write and write until they can write no more (god forbid). Among these bloggers is a friend and fellow coursemate, Reta Lee, whose blog is donating all proceeds to the PAWS association so that our furry little pals don't have to say bye bye.

However, things did not start well for her as her site monitor comments that she needs to fix her timestamps (they weren't showing) and she has been trying constantly to fix it but to no avail. Even my help wasn't enough to stop the poor cute animals from crying over their first obstacle but I was sure she'd pull through. When asked how she felt, Reta responded, "Irritated" (got proof okay, I have chat history!!11) Well don't worry Reta, I'm sure it'll work out somehow.

Reta's not the only one who's working hard, Paul Tan of, too had been delayed in his posting. However no comment could be reached (mainly because I didn't really know him that well. I shy shy mar). but of course, this means that the blog will just be updated every half an hour after the first post.

Another blog that was working hard last night was as Yvonne herself kicked off the blogathon with a rousing introduction to a genetic condition called Neurofibromatosis. You want a summary? Go read it yourself, lazy butt. Her second post however was a more humorous one as she paid homage to her site monitor, Chris.

Also participating in the 2005 Blogathon is DustyHawke whose first entry takes note of his preparation, and oh my god is he prepared. I worked for the agency who handles Nescafe's account and I have never seen that many packets of instant coffee in one place before. He is willing to fill his bloodstream with so much caffeine that his eyes will no doubt pop out when he's done, and that's before detox baby! He's donating his proceeds to UNICEF Malaysia, so that children everywhere can lead a better life.

There are so many Malaysian bloggers out there who are trying to make a difference for their respective causes. For this I salute you all (But I'm sure as hell not going to do this with you next year) So until next time, this is Arin, saying good luck to you lot, you are surely far braver and far more generous than I. You're all still crazy nutters though.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Blogging for a Good Cause

Hey guys,
A quick update just to tell you that my friend, Reta, over at Fading Sanity is blogging for 24 hours straight with her team of rag-tag blogging femmies for a good cause. All proceeds go to the PAWS organization so all those cute animals don't have to go bye bye. So go on over and show her and her team your support now. Either that or at least keep her company. 24 hours is a long time to blog.

A Rant about Whiny Ranters

Unknown to many of my friends, I am a regular visitor and also member of an Ragnarok Online forum. Hell, I've got 2 RO-based fan fictions and am close to having typed out a thousand posts (not counting all the spam in spam central or the deleted messages). Now what has all of that got to do with this post in my blog? Pretty much everything. On the said forum, there is a certain guy, let's call him V, whom I swear the Rants section is his home.

Honestly, I know that the rants section was created for the specific intent of getting users to release their frustrations but seriously, this guy complains whines about everything. Let's take a good look at a few of his rants (which by luck he made into a thread).

To date, he has ranted about:
1) The Common Cold - He said
I don't normally wish other people would get sick instead of me, but I'll make an exception in this case. I never see anyone else getting the cold, it's only me. Whenever people blow their noses, they do it in a soft tissue and throw it away, never to blow their nose for a few weeks at least. As for me, I keep wearing out hankerchiefs. Why is it always me? Why can't someone who deserves the cold get it instead of me for once?

My response? Good grief, hasn't it ever occured to you that if you whine about the common cold, that YOU DO DESERVE IT!!!??? My god, this guy is such an idiot, and he's in Melbourne mind you. He's studying in Melbourne and I'm supposed to be the stupid one and he's the one ranting about the common cold.

2) Shaving - He Says
I cut myself shaving this morning, and it didn't stop bleeding for... oh, let's say an hour. When little Billy trips over and grazes his knees into bloody stumps, it lasts around 10 minutes at most. When Suzie the housewife cuts her finger with a meat cleaver while chopping the vegetables for dinner (she's blonde), it doesn't last for more than a few minutes. But oddly enough, a littlenick from a shaving blade will leak blood constantly for god knows how long, even if you press a towel against it. Hell, by the time the cut's over, you'll have a nice rust-brown rag to hang up somewhere.

My Response? Dude, if you can't even use the frigging blade, USE A FREAKING ELECTRIC SHAVER!!!! I mean come on, I've been shaving for a good 5 years and I'm using a Gillete Mach3 razor, 3 blades means 3 times as likely to cut myself, and not ONCE, NOT ONCE have I ever cut myself. And I use freaking soap before i shave, none of those expensive shaving creams or moisturizers. I don't see the point of him ranting about his retarded shaving skills.

3)Ian Thorpe (some famous Australian swimmer or something) - He says
I've seen him on countless breakfast cereal commercials and the like, and he even has some kind of weird mineral water drink named after him. You'd think with all this advertising and hype he'd blow the competition right out of the water, right? Wrong. He loses to fellow sell-out Michael Phelps.

My Response? It is not when a swimmer loses that should worry him, it's the fact that he's watching men in tight suits swimming. It is times like this I wonder if he ever asks himself why he doesn't have a girlfriend yet cause then I'd just say, "Because You're not charming enough A FREAKING WHINY BITCH!!!! YOU'RE WHINIER THAN MOST GIRLS I KNOW!!!" Wonder if he really knows that athletics don't really pay much in terms of money, so they have to survive on sponsorship and this isn't a sell-out thing, MORON! Every top-class athlete does it!

4) School Bathrooms - He says
These are totally rancid. I hold two parties responsible for this - the school authorities and student terrorists. If you're going to absolutely desecrate the school toilets, the least you can do is FLUSH. I kid you not - the floors are wet with something besides water. Some people have such bad aim I'm certain it's deliberate. I'm absolutely sure some of the students have been eating undercooked Sukiyaki and spicy tacos to achieve this horrible effect. I only go in to get tissues (see Rantlet 1), and I'm so worried about my hygiene in that Temple of Filth I have to open and close the doors by kicking them.

My response? Good god, you kick the door down, good way to show those terrorists how NOT to take care of their toilets. Gee, you must be sooo smartare an IDIOT for someone who's studying in Melbourne! Now, I'm really just insulted with that offer I got to study with RMIT, seems they accept any idiot with money nowadays.

5)Vending Machines - He says
The school vending machines are temperamental little gits. Sometimes they don't give you enough change, and sometimes they eat your money and refuse to vend anything. There's one drinks machine that shoots out your change right into one of the cracks in the platform floor. After depositing money and getting my drink, my change went shooting out, and all three coins rolled straight into the crack, never to be seen by me again. I wouldn't be suprised if there's a little pan there collecting the change. In other times, pressing the button for cherry cola chucks a can of lemon water your way. And the school principal has the nerve to complain about people shaking the machines?

My Response? I don't know about you, but where I come from; when you put money in a vending machine, you get what you want from it unless the machine's run out of it. Geez, how much of an idiot are you if you can't even use a vending machine? And here's the best part, he's not alone. I mean seriously, I've never had a problem with vending machines at all, and I'm sure a majority of people here don't have problems as well. Maybe the problem does lie in the idiots who can't use a machine. And those machines are expensive to replace, so the principal has the right to complain MORON!

6)His pet cat (that's right, his pet cat) - He says
I got a pet cat for birthday. 9 months down the road, he's an utter pain. I let the little pest into the house because it was cold and rainy outside, and he proceeded to defecate behind a chair. It seemed he wasn't the only one eating undercooked Sukiyaki and spicy tacos. He's an aggressive little menace too, I really should have named him Hitler. As I'm writing this, he's trying to scratch me because I won't share my food with him. To top it all off, he keeps trying to follow me to school, only to hide when I try to catch him. Whenever I carry him back home, he trails me again. I have to get the neighbors to hold him down while I make my getaway, for christ's sake. I should have got a dog instead.

My response? I have a pet cat too, she scratches me all over. I have holes all over my hand because of her and also several scratches that litter my body like garbage in a city dump. But do you see me complain? That's because my cat loves me, she licks my nose every morning and also the wounds she inflicts on me, because she loves me. Now your cat, HATES you, for good reason too you whiny little bitch.

Now then, as you can see, he whines and whines and whines like no other. Moreover he whines about things he has no power to change, AT ALL! Seriously people, if you want to rant, rant about something significant, not something idiotic like a cat that you don't want to get rid of, or that swimmer dude you can't seem to take your eyes off of because he's wearing tights and you swing that way. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if him not getting a girlfriend is nature's way of killing his kind off.

Oh no, did I rant about something stupid (I.E. Him) GOOD GOD! I AM DOOOMMMEEEDDDDDD!!! Yeah right, he's had this coming for awhile!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Why are Fat People not happy?

An argument I've always had with my brother often happened while we were eating together. Often when we pig out, (well, usually when one of us is taking a bite into his food while the other isn't) we end up chanting "SEMANGAT!" (it's like our code for 'PIG!') and then we'd get into a row about who has less to lose, the fat person (me) or the thin one (him) when he pigs out.

One argument he has is that he has nothing to worry about because he's thin and he can pig out all he wants while I can't. Well, I'm not one to resist a challenge, so let's go to it!

First of all, Fat people are already FAT! What's the harm of taking in more food? We're already fat so saying that I'd get fat from eating more food is kinda redundant. If it's one thing, thin people are the ones who's always worried about what they take. Questions like "Is this too fattening?" or "Is this going to go to my waists later?" and even "Oh god, my diet!" comes to their minds while all we fat people think about is, "Does this taste good?" Kinda puts things into perspectives doesn't it?

Second, Fat people are most probably already happy with the way they are, well, at least those who were fat in the first place. The only fat people you see exercising are those former thin ones who let themselves eat 20 pieces of fried chicken more than they ought to or perhaps a few of them have suddenly become self conscious. So really, why are fat people often labelled unhappy? There is this saying, my friend loves chanting it, "We live to eat, not eat to live" so as long as the food is good, we got good company that we can talk to, we're good. Really, we are.

Thirdly, We're gonna die! Seriously, that's something to look forward to. NOT! I admit that maybe we do have far more disastrous health risks than the thin people but I've said this once before; There isn't a better thing than to die fat, young and happy! We don't have to face taxes, we don't have to worry about life or whether we'd be lonely all our lives. We'd just be all happy and shit with our coffins and 6 feet of dirt and gravel covering said boxes. /SARCASM (In case you haven't gotten it yet)

All right, on a more serious note: my hands are tired, my legs are catatonic and my back aches. 2 hours of gym does that to you. Yes, I go to a gym, but not for the fact that I'm, how you say, overweight, but because of the pure fact that I weighed myself one day and thought "Holy shit!" and pursued to change it. I'd prefer to just flatten this spare tire and perhaps even help improve my stamina. Nothing too drastic though, I'm no dreamer.

Anyway, I usually win these arguments with my brother, mainly because I play my trump card, "If you do not have anything to lose, then polish off this nice, big, juicy steak" then I'd pause for dramatic effect before going "which'll no doubt hit your waist tomorrow morning turning you into a big blob of fat!" real fast. He shuts up, and I get to polish of fthe steak. Fat people of the world! REJOICE as we continue trumping those wretched thinnies with our quick wit, sharp sarcasm and our fast and undeniably cutting remarks on how their food can go to their waists! VIVA LA FATTIES!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Hyprocisy of Women's Liberation

Call me a sexist, but I believe that the measure of true equality is when I can hit a woman as hard as I can hit a man. It's not that I condone violence against women, but I would like the comfort of knowing that I can hit a woman back should she provoke me first, without fear of reprisal from the police.

I don't understand women sometimes. They nag nag nag and start chanting that "Women's Liberation" mantra over and over, demanding more and more rights so that they'd be treated as equal as men and yet they also demand special treatment. They want to be treated nicely (i.e. Let us men get trampled on by their spiked heels or boots while they take all the glory of the work from us) and often enough, they use their feminine wiles to talk themselves out of the worst of problems, (i.e. a lil' peek at the cleavage to get away from a Speeding Ticket). You see, this is all just hyprocrasy to me. You all demand equal treatment yet you demand unequal treatment; men can't be treated nicely because what? They don't deserve it? My god you're all hyprocrits.

Sure, you all say, "The women are a weaker gender, hence they can't fight as well as men." I say BULLSHIT! You all are well more than capable of fending off any masculine muscle. All it takes is a little know-how. Most martial arts classes teach you that to counter an attacker's force, you need not use your own but his own strength against him. All you people need is a few lessons in how to divert an attackers energy away from yourself and preferably towards him. But no, you all refuse and want to be weak. Well, it's not my fault if you suddenly get knocked out by me because you refused to make yourself strong. But of course, you won't get knocked out by me if you didn't attack me. So if you ever plan to, take martial arts lessons, and then we'll be fighting on an even field.

And YOU MEN! I'm sick and tired of you all saying, "Oh she's so weak and bla bla bla". Let me tell you this, when a woman is capable of beating her own husband, she is no longer fragile. When she is capable of dominating him, controlling him and making him weak, she is no longer weak. When he is incapable of doing anything, for fear of embarassment or due to social ignorance to his plight, then a woman is no longer soft, she is FAIR GAME!! YOU ARE ALL WEAK FOR YIELDING TO THAT STUPID NOTION THAT A WOMAN IS GENTLE AND FRAGILE!!!! So few cases of husband battery and assault have ever surfaced yet these cases rise each year worldwide. This is mainly because the man feels it's his fault, or perhaps is it a problem with the law enforcement agencies. So much attention was put towards protecting the women that they lost sight of the men they too swore to protect.

A friend of mine mentioned that the problem lies with the majority of women that insist on putting on this charade of a weak life so that they won't have to do anything. How true that is, I do not know but if you women expect equal treatment, well as a former Prime Minister once said, "You look at your own backyard first, then look at mine" because the problem with advancing this liberation bullshit obviously starts in your own home grounds. First, tell these women that they can be strong, (which I understand you have tried, BUT TRY HARDER!!!) then you can tell the men that you want equal treatment. Also, if you demand equal treatment, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ASK FOR SPECIAL TREATMENT! It just demeans your cause.

Anyway, so ends this so-called sexist article. I just needed an outlet for this because it's been on my head for awhile. Anyway, to all the strong women of the world, good for you, to all the weak ones, I'll still break your arm without any qualms if you try anything with me, and to all the men, for god's sake, they're not soft, fragile or WEAK! They're well more than capable of beating you up. Now show me some backbone you spineless TWITS!