
Thursday, September 29, 2005

The pimp shot is mine!!!!

Ooooh yeahhh, been busy for the week with the campaign and all. For the uninitiated, I was in the midst of conducting a breast cancer awareness campaign in which we had 3 local celebrities, all of them models, come in for our launch event, which was a feat of it's own. We had a totally kickass crowd, hit full capacity of the lecture theater, which was a first in the college's history and most of all, they actually paid attention to what was going on.

Anyway, one of the main attractions of the launch day was an autograph session with the 3 celebrities, twins Teh Choy Wan and Teh May Wan (who by the way MC-ed the event for us, thanks girls!) and Amber chia (Currently one of Malaysia's most in-demand models). We had a blast for that session because me and my friend, Lionel, got to play bodyguards and crowd controller. We got to play with the bull horn and stuff! LOL.

Anyway, after the last group left, it was our turn (the entire organizing committee and any volunteers that came to help out) and we all got our pictures taken with the twins. Amber had to leave for an appointment T_T. Anyway, quite a few people got a really big treat with their pictures. For instance:

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That's right.. I got the fucking PIMP SHOT BABY!!! Now, in urban dictionary, it says that a pimp shot is a drink. Well, not anymore! I decided to add "A photograph or scene of a film that makes the subject look like a motherfucking PIMP!" And in accordance to the pimp shot, i shall now play 50 cents, P.I.M.P!!!

P.S. - god damn it Lionel! How the FUCK can you get such a fucking chun-ted pimp shot!!?? Far more chun-ted than me, you mahai! (Yes I know what it means, I'm not a moron!) God damn it! No fair! How come they get to kiss you and not meeeee!!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

My Job Description

Arin - Manning exhibition booths

In other words, I'm the one who gets to take care of the fucking radio! Hurray for democracy! Apparently that's all I'm good for nowadays, don't you know? Taking care of radios and shit! Wait til my mom calls!

Mom: So, Arin, what are you going to do for your campaign?
Arin: Oh, I'm just taking care of the radio in the exhibition booth while everyone else gets to stay in the air-conditioned hall with the VIPs and shit.
Mom: Oh, that's so nice. I'm proud of you (not!)

By the way, did I mention I'm the only Malay in the group?

This post has been brought to you by Sarcasm International - Where Sarcasm is our way of life!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


That's right.. I went to see Stomp tonight with Eve and all I can say is IT IS SO FUCKING 'OH-MY-GOD, I'M HAVING A FUCKING ORGASM IN MY EYES AND EARS GOOD! The performers were energetic, and they all felt right for whatever parts they played (There was one funny guy, he was small and quite flexible - I felt that he looked his personality) and I love the concept! Good god how I love the concept!

My ticket! Huzzah!

I watched a movie some time ago about a group of miners or was it industrial workers, who were going to be out of a job unless they start updating their process. So one of the worker's son decides to start tap dancing, but in an industrial theme. This means they had a construction site for a setting and they used all sorts of tools to create music much like 'Stomp!' and I have always wanted to go see something like this.

Now, though Stomp wasn't really like the movie I watched, but it was still so uber zomg i'm cumming! good that, quite frankly, I'm considering going to see it again. Yes it was loud, but that's why they call it the loudest musical on EARTH! God damn it! I gotta see it again before they leave. For all I know they might not come back, much like CATS. So, me and Eve are going to go for it again, this Saturday!

Oooh, dark stageeeee~~!!

Some favorites:
- The guy in the mohawk, I think he's the leader of the company, he's really good at pumping the audience up and getting them to participate as well.

- The small flexible guy - he was so funny. The others kept on picking on him.

- The local touch on the backdrop - they had a sign that said "Jalan Petaling" Quite nice if I do say so myself.

- Drums, just a lot of drums!

Oh hell yes do I love the percussions! For those of you who haven't seen it; Good god people! What is wrong with you!? This is a once in a lifetime chance because they might not come back to Malaysia again! Now shoo! Go buy your ticket!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Where did the Tak Nak Campaign went wrong?

I was given a questionairre yesterday on Smoking. It asked all sorts of questions on why do you think people start smoking and why did you start smoking which was okay and all, except I don't smoke. These lips haven't touched a cigarette butt for a good 8 years and I'm damn proud of it, especially when you look around and find a majority of your friends doing it.

This questionairre brought me back to the days when the 'Tak Nak' anti-smoking campaign went under scrutiny for being the biggest government advertising flop of the century with millions of tax-payers money gone to wasted. Unfortunately, you can't really blame the government for not trying, they did but they just went about addressing the issue in the wrong way possible.

Nowadays, people tend to look at smoking as something that you try to prevent starting, instead of a bad habit that requires quitting. Trust me, nothing beats peer pressure in scare tactics, especially when it comes to young teens who are looking for a crowd to fit into. So, you can go 'Tak NAK!' all you want but quite frankly, as long as there is a friend who smokes, the kid will still be prone to starting a very hard to quit habit.

I have a lot of friends who smoke and I thank god that they're quite considerate when smoking around me or any other friend who doesn't smoke. They often ask if they can light up in my car (well, it's my car and I don't really mind as long as they blow the smoke outside) and also when we're somewhere eating. A lot of them have tried to kick the habit but are unable to for some deep psychological reason.

It can't be that they're addicted to it; the human body needs only 3 days to clear up any traces of nicotine within the blood stream. It could perhaps be something deeper; an emotional dependence of it or perhaps it serves as a relaxant for when they're really stressed. What the government should be doing is targetting these people; the ones who want to quit but can't. They know the health dangers that come with smoking, they all do! What they do not know is how to effectively quit smoking!

This strategy could probably come up with some of the best and most creative slogans in the world;
"It's cool to quit!" - this refers to the idea that quitting is a negative trait but in this case it's for the benefit of the smoker to quit.

"Light up? No, Lighten up!" - refers to how people deal with stress, rather than lighting up a smoke, they might as well lighten up, relax and chill to clear their thoughts.

There's a ton of stuff people can do to combat stress, thus distracting them from the thought of lighting up a cigarette. This should be the way the government should address the issue of smoking. Don't focus on health dangers, TELL THEM HOW TO QUIT! This is Malaysia, they won't do anything unless you show them how!

Target the potential smokers only as a secondary target. It's the best way to handle this problem; by eliminating the peer pressure, you reduce the temptation to try.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Fastest Pizza Delivery EVER!

Gather 'round boys and girls, and hear the tale of yonder age (whatever the hell that means) about the FASTEST Pizza delivery ever.

Ah, Pizza Delivery, will we ever know how the day was when you did not exist? Anyway, to begin my story, my phone ran out of credit a few days ago and my house phone went on the fritz a month ago. Now this pretty much leaves me screwed because I have no way of calling out to anyone or even to call in a McDonalds or a Pizza Hut or even Dominoes (Hurray for free publicity!)

Anyway, so I got on MSN and began making emergency requests (a.k.a. bugging the hell out of my friends until one of them gave in) for a pizza call. It was probably the oddest request I could give a friend, but a hungry man will do anything. So he made the call and came back laughing, here's how it went:

b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
i swear, this will go down as the oddest favor a man could ask
Finrod says:
they must be wondering what a hell is a penang number calling for an order in Shah ALam
Finrod says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
Finrod says:
since they have calller ID and the guy was like you're 04-xxxxxxx...
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"uh sir.. are you sure that's the right number?"
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"but that's for shah alam"
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"yes, and so?"
Finrod says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"Uh.. nevermind"
Finrod says:
he sure sounded a little blur...
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
so wat did he say?
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
Finrod says:
after i mentioned your number..
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
and then?
Finrod says:
then he confirmed yuor name and address lol
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"Man.. stupid kids.."

Man, the guy musta been stumped when a penang number called for my pizza. And so here I am, enjoying my pizza, ordered all the way from Penang, and it arrived piping hot here in KL within 30 minutes. Huzzah for modern innovations! I swear, the guy came in a Proton Savvy (reference to Proton Savvy Radio Ad - Pizza Delivery KL to Singapore within 5 seconds).

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Noraini Bt. Osman

Noraini Bt. Osman, loving mother, doting grandmother and proud great grandmother. She died last night in a series of heart attack that first took away her capacity to breathe properly, and in the second attack, stopped her heart. She passed away at the Emergency Ward in KL Hospital.

At 10.30pm, my brother returns home, knocking on my door to tell me to pack up because we were headed to her house, "She just passed away" he told me. I don't react at first, I was in shock, as I got up to put on some clothes to go out and pack a few items to bring with me. In 5 minutes the gravity of the situation got to me, I weapt.

11.00pm, we left the house with our bags and walked to his car. If ever there was a time we dreaded going to her place, that night it was.

We arrived at her brother's home, where her body was on display for family members and friends to pay their last respect before it goes through the routines that come with a muslim funeral. The family owned a huge plot of land in Kampung Baru, she occupied a small corner house while the others in the family lived in slightly bigger lodgings in the same plot of land. We arrived there to a big crowd of people, some laughing, some crying while some stared into space. All of them were trying to cope with her sudden passing.

Me and my brother remained strong, being calm and cool as relatives and friends came, said a prayer and went, waiting for our parents to come down from Penang. They arrived only 1 and a half hours after we did. We waited patiently as more relatives arrived. We already had done our final prayers to her departed soul, a part of me wanted to cry out but another part told me to be strong, not just for myself, but for others as well.

My parents eventually arrived, my father looking the strongest of the three boys in the family. He walked into the room and sat next to her, praying silently followed by a kiss on both cheeks.

Noraini bt. Osman, was greatly missed as evident the next morning. Many came to pray for her passing soul, friends, family and all. After the final farewells, the van arrived, it was going to bring her to the mosque where she will be prepared for her burial.

A muslim funeral calls for the displaying of the body, the bathing and preparation of the lifeless vessel, a prayer and a reading from the Yasin for the departed soul, a burial and 3 days of mourning. All that was to be done or planned for immediately after death.

It was hard at the mosque. Earlier on, everyone was praying for her as they prepared the bath. After the bath, I was called in to assist in carrying her to the 'Coffin'. I placed '' in the word coffin because I don't know what else to call it. Muslims are, by tradition, not buried with the coffin but wrapped in white linen cloth and then placed in their prepared grave sites.

As I carried her, I got a close look at her face. She seemed peaceful, devoid of the smile I've known her to have. I'm gonna miss her voice, always reminding me to study hard and to make my parents proud. I'll also miss her cooking, she always knew what I loved and she'd make it especially for me when she knew I was coming over. There were cotton balls, stuffed in every orifice. Seeing them there gave me a chilling revelation; she really was gone. My grandmother was gone forever.

And to think I never visited her when I was interning in the office nearby her house. I never visited her during the weekends when I was so free and now it's too late. My grandmother's gone, gone forever.

After the cleaning of the body, she was once again put on display. A final farewell from all the relatives and friends. Every kissed her cheeks, except me, not because I wouldn't, because I couldn't; it would hurt me even more if I did. Then everyone prayed, except me. I couldn't because I didn't know how to. There have been so many deaths in the family, but none of them had struck me like this. I never cried from Day One with the others.

I cried as they buried her and I cried once more as I stopped by her grave, muttering "Nek boleh rehat sekarang" which means "Grandma, you can rest now" in english. I miss her so much. There are a lot of things I regret in my life, not spending much time with her is one of those things.

My grandmother's gone, may her soul rest in peace.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sejarah Dalam Malaysia: Babi Langit

Don't get fooled by the Malay title; this blog is written entirely in english, save for a few Chinese words but it's mainly just Tian Zhu. So what is the title about? Well, on Wednesday my girlfriend flew down to KL for a shopping trip before the closing of the Malaysian Mega Sale Carnival (just another ploy to draw in tourists I say, but it brought her here, so who cares!?) and on her list of stuff to buy, which she handed to me to figure out where to buy them, was a Sky Pig. "So, what exactly is a sky pig?" I asked her. She said that it was actually Tian Zhu, a magical stone said to be able to bring luck to its owner.

So, after a few days of laughing and constant teasing, I now present to you, the history of the SKY PIG!

In an ancient land, a really really ancient land, lived the people of the Sky who were living on the ground, except that they glued cotton balls to the ground so that it'd look like sky. Outsiders found it weird, but they always thought, "Meh!"

Anyway, the people of the sky were weird, I mean really weird even by the standards of the ancient tribes such as the Mayans, Aztecs and the Egyptians. They always wore fake wings made of leaves and the bark of trees, tying them with vine (No strings baby!) and they walked as though they glided. Oddly enough that was a common trait among the Sky People; they had mastered the ability to walk without moving their knees much. As impressive as that was, they'd still get beaten up like little girls in a fist fight with the other tribes.

So one day, one of the Sky people were up in the trees, gathering 'magical fruits' from what is actually a coconut tree. They were weird, didn't I tell you? The poor man suddenly had a heart attack and fell from the tree and with a loud bang, fell on a pig!

The pig of course lost conciousness, as most pigs would when hit in the head by a old man who wore fake wings made of leaves and bark. The old man had lost his wings when he fell and it landed on the pig, miraculously securing itself around the poor porker while it was unconscious. Upon waking up, the pig found himself on a makeshift stretcher, being carried by more men, much like the Sky person that dropped on the poor porker. He panicked, "Oh my god! Don't kill me, I didn't kill that man. I swear! I sweeaarrrrrr!!!" but all the villagers heard were "Oink! Oink! Sqqquuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" and laughed.


Who the hell wrote this script.. bah nevermind.

When they reached the village, the pig said to himself, "Okay, that's it, I've got to get out of here!" And he jumped off the stretcher, with a big grunt, and landed on the cotton ball laden ground. Now, being a pig, you can imagine how disorientated he is, so he was all, "Oh my god! I can fly!!!!" and he ran and ran and ran. Unfortunately for him, the village was built close to a cliffside. With a big "Squuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeee!" he leapt in the air, thinking it was safe, only to find out that there was no more ground.

The sky people, thinking he was about to fly, cheered and looked on gleefully as it glided in the air for a few feet. The wings were doing their job but being made of barks and leaves.. Well, you get the idea. The wings broke apart and soon the pig squeeaaaaalll all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

The people, amazed at this act of bravery, decided to name the pig, "The Sky Pig" and their village, "Sky Kingdom". Now, because the sky people don't normally write down their history, instead of "Sky Pig", their scrolls said "Sky Teapot" instead. And thus was the beginning of the Sky Kingdom and the Giant Sky Teapot.


She is so gonna kill me...