
Friday, October 28, 2005

The Fall of The Ice Cream Empire

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived an empire so big that it practically maintained control over a majority of the continents of Earth. This empire was so big that many armies would bow down rather than face an inevitable defeat. This great empire was known as the Ice Cream Empire, and it controlled the world, which consisted of mainly two races, the ice cream people and.. the cherries.

The Cherries were an oppressed race, subservient to their icy masters willing; fighting for them, caring for them and even laughing at their very very lame jokes (They were made of ice and cream, you don't seriously expect them to be funny do you?)

Anyway, this oppression went on and on until one day, disaster struck the heart of the ice cream empire;

Evezilla emerged from her slumber deep in the oceans of cookies and milk and is now craving an icy delight, along with their delicious cherry slaves. Munched and munched she did, until the ice cream people retaliated to her swift attacks by sending an army of cherries against her, and they pushed her back to her domain but alas, this victory was short lived.

Evezilla soon returned, but this time she brought with her two of her monster breathen, stickzilla and camwhorezilla and they merrily had their way with the ice cream empire and its people. However, this time, the cherry people mustered all their strenght, coming up in arms to repel these gigantic invaders and eventually mustering the remnants of the ice cream empire's army to repel them all.

Unlike their previous attempt, the three monsters were slained and driven into hiding and the empire celebrated this huge victory. However, despite this momentous occasion, the cherry people found out that during this conflict, the ice cream people needed them more than they needed the ice cream people.

Soon enough, voices of revolution were whispered and then eventually screamed. The Ice Cream people initially tried to quell this machine of change but alas, the cherry people were very committed to their cause and slaughtered the ice cream army with magnifying glasses and really tiny flame throwers. Soon enough, the ice cream empire declared the cherry people a free race and were allowed to create their own country, named Cherryopia. With this declaration, they could finally claim independence from the ice cream empire.

The Cherry people continue living a free life today. But the Ice Cream people finally realized how much they needed the cherry people when...

Yeap, Evezilla returned and decimated the Ice Cream Empire in one chug...

The End