
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Miss the Days...

Being on holiday, and recently single, has given me time to really reflect on my life. I don't really know whether it's the lonely apartment or the ulcer in the back of my mouth talking, but I miss the days...

When I would sit down with my parents for dinner

When I could go through life without worrying about anything at all

When all I had to do was make a phone call and one of my parents would be here to comfort me

When I didn't have to think about what to do past 5 minutes of when I was thinking

When I was the one doling out advice on how to get that girl to all my friends but yet was hopeless myself

When the world seemed so much more like a happier place

When policemen were honest, or at least when I didn't realize that they weren't

When I could trust everyone and not worry about a thing

When I used to think that Love had actual meaning

What the hell happened to me? When did my entire world fall apart? Am I going insane?
I really have no idea anymore...