
Wednesday, September 21, 2005


That's right.. I went to see Stomp tonight with Eve and all I can say is IT IS SO FUCKING 'OH-MY-GOD, I'M HAVING A FUCKING ORGASM IN MY EYES AND EARS GOOD! The performers were energetic, and they all felt right for whatever parts they played (There was one funny guy, he was small and quite flexible - I felt that he looked his personality) and I love the concept! Good god how I love the concept!

My ticket! Huzzah!

I watched a movie some time ago about a group of miners or was it industrial workers, who were going to be out of a job unless they start updating their process. So one of the worker's son decides to start tap dancing, but in an industrial theme. This means they had a construction site for a setting and they used all sorts of tools to create music much like 'Stomp!' and I have always wanted to go see something like this.

Now, though Stomp wasn't really like the movie I watched, but it was still so uber zomg i'm cumming! good that, quite frankly, I'm considering going to see it again. Yes it was loud, but that's why they call it the loudest musical on EARTH! God damn it! I gotta see it again before they leave. For all I know they might not come back, much like CATS. So, me and Eve are going to go for it again, this Saturday!

Oooh, dark stageeeee~~!!

Some favorites:
- The guy in the mohawk, I think he's the leader of the company, he's really good at pumping the audience up and getting them to participate as well.

- The small flexible guy - he was so funny. The others kept on picking on him.

- The local touch on the backdrop - they had a sign that said "Jalan Petaling" Quite nice if I do say so myself.

- Drums, just a lot of drums!

Oh hell yes do I love the percussions! For those of you who haven't seen it; Good god people! What is wrong with you!? This is a once in a lifetime chance because they might not come back to Malaysia again! Now shoo! Go buy your ticket!