
Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Fastest Pizza Delivery EVER!

Gather 'round boys and girls, and hear the tale of yonder age (whatever the hell that means) about the FASTEST Pizza delivery ever.

Ah, Pizza Delivery, will we ever know how the day was when you did not exist? Anyway, to begin my story, my phone ran out of credit a few days ago and my house phone went on the fritz a month ago. Now this pretty much leaves me screwed because I have no way of calling out to anyone or even to call in a McDonalds or a Pizza Hut or even Dominoes (Hurray for free publicity!)

Anyway, so I got on MSN and began making emergency requests (a.k.a. bugging the hell out of my friends until one of them gave in) for a pizza call. It was probably the oddest request I could give a friend, but a hungry man will do anything. So he made the call and came back laughing, here's how it went:

b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
i swear, this will go down as the oddest favor a man could ask
Finrod says:
they must be wondering what a hell is a penang number calling for an order in Shah ALam
Finrod says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
Finrod says:
since they have calller ID and the guy was like you're 04-xxxxxxx...
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"uh sir.. are you sure that's the right number?"
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"but that's for shah alam"
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"yes, and so?"
Finrod says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"Uh.. nevermind"
Finrod says:
he sure sounded a little blur...
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
so wat did he say?
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
Finrod says:
after i mentioned your number..
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
and then?
Finrod says:
then he confirmed yuor name and address lol
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
b4k4 - DiZFunQTioNaL says:
"Man.. stupid kids.."

Man, the guy musta been stumped when a penang number called for my pizza. And so here I am, enjoying my pizza, ordered all the way from Penang, and it arrived piping hot here in KL within 30 minutes. Huzzah for modern innovations! I swear, the guy came in a Proton Savvy (reference to Proton Savvy Radio Ad - Pizza Delivery KL to Singapore within 5 seconds).