
Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In about an hours time, give or take a few minutes, Malaysia will be approximately 48 years old. 48 years of Independence from our former colonizers, the British and 48 years of being free to make our own decisions as to where our country was heading. But just how far has our country gone? I don't mean technologically, but we as the citizens of this country: Just how far have we reached, the mindset of the average Malaysian?

I'm sorry to say this, but to me we have not gone far. The younger generation of the country, the Generation X-ers have now taken over and now, we, the Generation Y-ers, are moving forward, ready to take over from them and yet we are still filtered. Our words are censored, our thoughts are surpressed and our voices are gagged. We are unable to do anything in this country without being controlled, one way or another by the government.

This is not to say that I do not love my country; I love it, to a fault. But there are some times that I see that the development in our country for the past 48 years have been for nought. Movies are censored because of extremely explicit scenes, more specifically, sex scenes. At this day and age, where the internet is the most widely used form of communication, children already have access to pornographic materials readily at their fingertips. Parents, no matter what you try, 90% of your children would probably have seen some form of a naked woman somewhere. Don't try to give me that bullshit about our children not being mature enough to take it, we have ratings for those, you want to bring you 6 year old into a movie that's rated 18SX, then that's your responsibility. YOU have to take the initiative to shield your children and not DEPRIVE US, the ones who are old enough to view such scenes.

And all this bullshit about tolerance between the races of Malaysia. That's another beef I have. Tolerance is like saying, "Oh I hate you, I want to kill you for the things you do and hell I'd curse you in a group of people who are from my race, but I will tolerate you" that's like begging for it, really! What we should be preaching is understanding, not tolerance. Understand why other races do things different from you. Understand that no matter what you do, they will not change and you should accept that. That is a more everlasting peace you would get than if you were to preach 'Tolerance' as a virtue. Quite frankly, tolerance does have its limit.

And one thing I find really worrying is this Why is it that they're giving 50% discounts now??!! I could have used it earlier when I paid my summonses 2 months ago! Chi Seen!

Anyway, as I write this, I realize that living in this country isn't really as bad as, oh say Indonesia or the Philippines, they have been rife with all sorts of problems, well from an international standpoint at least, such as rebels, terrorists and corrupt politicians (although we do have that here in Malaysia). The people of the Philippines have to deal with the fact that their leader is involved in corruption, especially that Election Council fiasco and the Indonesians, well they've got problems of their own.

Malaysia is considered probably the top growing economies in South East Asia. We are a model to most Third World Countries who are trying hard to achieve the same level of development we have today. We are also a model society, where our mixed racial and cultural background proves to be a melting pot that is considered the envy of most developed nations today. We are also one of the few countries where you can probably get food at 3am and you'll more likely be accompanied by friends.

We as a nation of people, have not grown much since 1957 but we as a nation have truly prospered. But this didn't happen when the Jalur Gemilang was raised at Stadium Merdeka; it happened way before then, when our forefathers went to London to deliver our declaration, our declaration of independence. And we did it, Malaysia. Happy Birthday to a country that we are all proud to be citizens of.